US Government Seized Bitcoin Sales Tracker

Auction Date BTC Sold USD Acquired News Article
27-06-2014 29,657 $18,740,000 Tim Draper Wins First Bitcoin Batch
04-12-2014 50,000 $19,000,000 US Marshals Complete Second Auction
01-03-2015 50,000 $13,500,000 US Marshals March Auction
05-11-2015 44,341 $14,600,000 Final Silk Road Auction
22-08-2016 2,719 $1,600,000 US Marshals announce $1.6M Auction
22-01-2018 3,813 $42,000,000 US Marshals Announcement
05-11-2018 660 $4,000,000 US Marshals set to Auction bitcoins worth $4M
01-02-2020 4,040 $38,000,000 US Marshals Announcement
03-17-2021 0.7501 $53,104 GSA Auction
07-01-2021 500 $19,200,000 Ohio DOJ Auction
03-14-2023 9,861 $215,000,000 Coinbase Sale of BTC seized from Silk Road hacker
TBD 96,000 TBD Seizure News
TBD 69,370 TBD Seizure News
TBD 41,819
(51,680 − 9,861)
TBD Seizure News

Total BTC seized and sold: 195,091.75
Total USD gained from sales: $366,493,104
Current USD value of all sold BTC: ???
Potential USD gains missed: ???